Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Making Contact on Blogger

Since I began blogging in December, I've received several comments. Some by my real world friends others by anonymous virtual world watchers. My most recent comment, of which i am quite proud, was made by Jason to my Breakfast 040405 post.

I'm not the best when it comes to keeping in touch, but when I make contact with someone interesting I try to. Keeping in touch is an interdependent practice. Making contact, however, is what we independent people do to build our spheres and synergize.

I wish blogger had some sort of mechanism for making contact. I mean other than posting your email for the perverts, freaks, and spammers to see. Maybe the option to for the person leaving the comment to hide some or all of their comment from the public, but the info would be available to the contributor of the original post so that I might get a first contact email. Or maybe Blogger could offer the option to form Blogger groups, where we might click a button on the NavBar to send requests to other bloggers to join or form a group.

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