Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the 13th

Friday 13

Who's superstitious? I am part Haitian and I'm not the least bit superstitious. I love black cats. If a ladder is in my way and I have no easy way around it, I will walk under it. Spilling salt? Who doesn't? Splitting poles, well if it will allow me to get to my destination faster... Why not?

A couple of my favorites are:

  • Don't buy a woman underwear, she'll be sleeping with someone else in them.
  • Well if she's going to sleep with somebody else she gonna do it anyway.

  • Don't buy a woman shoes, she'll walk away from you in them.
  • Appears we are never saying anything they want to hear, so they walk away from us. This cannot be avoided. I dunno, most of mine end up coming back.

What are your superstitions?

By the way, I had a very nice day!


Anonymous said...

The strangest one I've heard is from a lady I used to work with. She got upset if you swept near her feet. She said if someone swept your feet it meant you or someone in your family would go to jail. She was dead serious.

Deon said...

I heard it was that you wouldn't get married. And the remedy is spitting at the broom 5 times.