Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Day

I'm feeling angry right now. Actually, I'm fucking pissed.

I am listening to some O'Reilly shit about The Web 2.0 Conference.

The day started off pretty damn funny. My mother told my little brother if he wasn't out of the door by 7:45 a.m., she was going to fuck him up and throw his clothes out so he can dress in the street. Some funny shit, he already getting letters home from school.

Went out this evening tonight wish I hadn't. This is what my horoscope said for today:

Money and possessions are on your mind now -- and with good reason, too. Whatever you've been working on to make your financial situation more stable is about to come through. In the process, though, you may find that someone you were trusting to help you finish off the details isn't quite as skilled or reliable as you'd imagined. Before you give them what-for, however, think about it. Is it worth it?

Not really into it, but it struck a cord in me because it captured what I was feeling when I read it.

Overall, up until tonight I had a good day.

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