Thursday, February 02, 2006

Personnel Changes

There are about to be some in my life soon. I am putting all of y'all on notice (You know who I'm talking to). Especially if I have to get "Mailbox almost full" and 13 of 16 messages are from the same person. This constitutes a problem.


Minnie said...

Before you do start making these changes think about it first, and if you feel thats the only thing left for you to do then make them.

Anonymous said...

Well if U feel like thats what U need to do for yourself, then thats what U do. Change is Good, it Constitutes Growth. Just make sure these changes are for the right reasons.

Ur new homie

Anonymous said...

Out with the old, in with the new! Is this what you really want? If so, then fantastic!
Sometimes you just need to clean house.

Stay sweet.