Sunday, August 28, 2005

WTF Is Wrong With Everyone? 2


Why is everyone acting up? My mother calls me today and tells me I didn't feed the kids, my nephews, because I did not want to wash some dishes. You haven't the slightest idea how much that irked my nerves. Then to put up with M!ck3y's crap all day…

I'm just barely teetering of pissed off and f'n angry. I mean today, I was trying to be as productive as I've ever been. I have been setting up reminders for phone calls and gathering information so I can get a good start this week on trying to find a job. I may even go out tomorrow. I don't have any copies of my resume printed, but I will make due with what I have.

As you can see I am not quite as angry. I write how I think and writing helps me release.

This thought isn't about anyone plucking my nerves but why is it that every female I come in contact with swears she can screw me if she wants. I personally am not trying to slide up in everyone like that. In fact, if I had that one, I would only be sleeping with that one. Not to say I am sleeping with many, but I have a choice and could have more.

M!ck3y doesn't feel that we will be seeing each other much this fall and asked me to set aside a weekend, at least, a month. This would be "our weekend." I do not have a problem with that. She feels if she is doing all the things she wants to do, that she wouldn't have time to see me otherwise. Additionally, she has faith that I will be working by the time school starts, which is in like two (2) weeks. I don't think seeing her will be a problem because I am helping her with most of her plans and she with some of mine. We are interweaving ourselves into each other's lives. We also never make plans together and not keep them. Not that we will never break or postpone our plans, but it isn't very likely.

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