Thursday, August 25, 2005

Can't Focus

I am having trouble focusing, I guess this is what happens when you have too much on your mind. I need to prioritize. I'm starting to procrastinate again. I at least need to be more structured in my procrastination.

I ran into this article about Google Talk with an interesting statement in this article GoogleTalk: It's Here. It's Live. It Works On Your Mac.:

Why does Google want to launch a new messaging service to compete with AOL, Yahoo, Microsoft, and others?

Because they can.

Arguably, Google gets more daily hits and visitors than anybody. That traffic in human flesh needs to remain Google’s. It’s also part of the desktop wars. Microsoft sort of owns the desktop but is in a weakened marketing position. Many people hate Microsoft.

I have been a fan, of sorts, of Google and it's services. My only real gripe with them is the lack of support for Mac. If it isn't browser–based, you can pretty much forget about it. I use Hello and Picasa on the PC. Hello I love, Picasa really isn't necessary. I like iPhoto better on the Macintosh and Picasa isn't needed at all on Mac. I only used Hello for posting pictures here, on Blogger. I wish there was a Hello plug-in for iPhoto like the bitchin' FlickrExport, I have come to love sooo much.

I am also one of those people that hate Microsoft. Hmmm! I am thinking about getting Microsoft certified tho. Hahaaa!

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