Thursday, August 04, 2005


I am sitting here with my little boy and my two (2) nephews and I'm f'n (kids in the room) bored out of my mind. I really miss M!ck3y. She went to Panama on Monday morning. If she were here, she'd at least be making me mad. Probably chastising me for taking time away from her and allotting it to Stephanie. I had to tell her not to call me as often as she has been since she left. Not that I don't want to hear from her, but she should be enjoying her time away and having as much fun as possible before she comes back. We both have a lot to take care of.

Right now I'm procrastinating. I once read that procrastination is an evasion tactic. It's just the name given to the act of not doing something you should be doing by doing something else. Right now I'm supposed to be configuring the Apache web server on my Powerbook so that I can begin work on the IGT website and set up a footer on the remote site so that they can check the progress. Simply enough, I am evading by blogging about what I should be doing.

Ozzy should be here in about an hour. I will then be helping her set up a Hi5 account. Ozlyn is Stephanie's best friend, in case you were wondering.

I'm going to run off and do a bit of cleaning and take a shower before she gets here. I will probably finish configuring Apache before it's dark unless I can find something else I'd rather be doing.


Ellie Creek Ellis said...

how can you be bored with your boy there?

Deon said...

Well, my boy does his own thing. He is content just being around me, but he doesn't necessarily want to be bothered by me. A lot of the time we are in the same room and he's doing his thing and I'm doing mine. We'll break to play fight sometimes.