Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Remaining Journal Posts

LOL, it's been a few days. I promised I'd begin posting the rest of the pages from my incomplete journal of the summer of '98. I currently have no internet connection. The Cablevision Optimum package is cut off temporarily, definitely not a choice I made. My Lil' sister got behind in the bills and I can't help her pay. I feel like such a loser (M!ckey, keep your comments to yourself — had to leave a note to my personal cheering section). My options as far as posting are:

  1. Wait until I have an internet connection or do it when I visit my son.
  2. Type up a bunch of files and save them for when I do have web access.
  3. Queue the posts in my outbox and they'd send automatically when I do have a connection.

I combined the second and third choices. I just wasn't sure how the post by email worked. Last I looked it up on Blogger Help, I learned that it interpreted the HTML from my email client as HTML and the text as text. From what I remember before I started using markup in my posts, Blogger adds tags automatically, specific to your method of posting. For instance, an email post would be tagged ‹p id="email"›…‹/p›.

Anyhow after texting a few options, I came to the conclusion that the best way would be to attach an HTML file to the email. So here's the 1st of the email posts.

Oh, btw, here's a list of links to the previous post.


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