Saturday, September 10, 2005

What if Giuliani was President right now?

I have said it before and will say it again — Giuliani was a good, no great mayor. If he ran for president, he'd get my vote. Face it, since Bush became president the country has been in a downward spiral.

See Giuliani was out there with us, when we had shit to go thru. I remember this. I remember him endorsing the Democrat who opposed Pataki, because it was good for New York. Not Republican or Democrats, but for everyone.

Leadership is about details (or "What if Giuliani was President right now?") - The Jason Calacanis Weblog - _

Say what you want about Giuliani but that guy is a born leader, and if he was running the show right now he would be down there and would be getting into the details… As a leader you have to obsesses over the details not because you’re going to solve every problem yourself, but because you create a culture of CARING ABOUT THE DETAILS.

You show up two days later (as in 9/11 and in this case) it sends a message (in this case, “it can wait”).

You escort people to saftey and you go to every single fireman’s funeral and it sends another message (in Giuliani’s case that sends the message that you care about every person on your team—a lot!). How many funerals has Bush been to? I don’t know the answer to that question, but I’ve never seen him at one.

If I was the President of the country I would be on the ground in the command center with my entire team and NO ONE would sleep for the next three days or until things were under control. NO ONE.

This is more about how Bush is handling the situation on the Gulf Coast. He has that "It's out of my hands" attitude. He didn't cause it, but it's going to take everyone to help fix it. No one will try is it's treated as a minor issue.

Seems like passive genocide. I believe it's true that the supplies are not being distributed equally. The less well to do are getting last and the better off are getting first.

Kanye put it best and he's gonna take shit for it for a long time, "George Bush doesn’t care about black people." You can see it for yourself: Kanye Telethon clip.

1 comment:

Deon said...

It's not just that Giuliani was good to all people. He did his job as best he could and part of that job was to take care of all his people. He was a great mayor, whether he was as good or better than Dinkins or Koch before him can be debated. It's pretty close in my eyes. New York has certainly never suffered hardship, at least not as long as I can remember, as under Bloomberg. But if Giuliani was evil, then he was the lesser of all evils.

Personally, I wouldn't care what was going on in Iraq or anywhere else abroad for that matter. I am part Haitian, but I am here not there. We have people hungry here, we have people dying here, we live in the richest country in the world and children are dying pretty much the same way they die in Third World countries.

My son is growing up in a country where he may not have financial aid available to him if I can not afford to send him to college.

Clinton, was a good President. When he was in office all anyone cared about was who he had been fucking. Who, what, how and why he sticks his dick where didn't matter to me. He had a greater responsibility to his people and I don't feel he was in breach of that responsibility.

My point is people never look at what's important until it's there to bite them in the ass. I mean I would have preferred Kerry, he might not have had the experience but he cared and he would have tried and that's all that matters.