Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Looking for a Job

My job search hasn't been going well, not all the conventional stuff anyway. I have posted to a good portion of the Career/Search sites, including Monster, Career Builder, Flip Dog and Hot Jobs. I have done the whole cold calling thing as often as I could. Filled out applications more places than I can count. I have decided to think a little out of the box. I might as well attempt a few new things.

I have begun to ask "friends," close or otherwise — I don't have many close friends, for help. I have posted to a Yahoo! Group to which I belong that I am looking for a job and that I would appreciate some help. Any leads or advice welcome. I have also posted a message to that effect on my "Blast" at Yahoo! 360. I don't blog there but I have my this blog's feed there. So most people who visit my 360 profile will see this post. That's right my blog and this post is a part of that strategy.

I figure why not use my blog. Last week I started tracking the traffic to and around my blog and a good number of people come here. I just figure every little bit could help. Question is: How can I get some more people here?

Well, I know a little more about tagging my posts. As you can see, below I have some of my Technorati tags duplicated. Not exactly, made sense to have variations of the tags I used. In fact if I think of anymore, I will update the list of tags. The point is to cover the widest audience possible, right? Next steps are to post it to my Blast, the groups, posting to my account and find out which of my friends will help me get this post around.

I have also created a Backpack Page of my resume. The list is a "Table of Contents". Click a link and it takes you to that section in the résumé. The last two links in the TOC are where you can download my résumé in MS Word (.doc) or PDF format. I might either convert the MSW document into a RTF or upload a third RTF file, which all of you WordPerfect users should be able to open with no problem. I have stripped away my personal information, like my address and phone number for internet safety reasons. I can be reached via the email at: I will be adding anything I can find to re–piece together a portfolio or just something to show what I do, what I've done and what I know.

Again that link to my Backpack page is and my email address is I appreciate all your time and help in advance, thank you.

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