Wednesday, March 30, 2005


Still thinking alot... Since yesterday, I've been thinking about the things and people that inspired me and made me who I am. Over the next few weeks, I will be adding more pictures of the people and things that have inspired me in the past. I'm hoping that the same things that inspired me then will inspire me again.

I don't live in the past. I acknowledge and respect it.

I will probably post the PSP sized pictures until I get over the initial "WOW" factor.

This is Kyonna in like '98-'99. She was always an inspiration to me because she stood by me thru everything. It wasn't so much what she did, but just her presence, even tho much of the time she was there in secret. Thank you, sweetheart. I hope we get it together. I miss hearing you laugh all the time at stoopid shit.

I live for my music. I can't be classified as a fan. There is a song to match my every mood. I've chosen Hova because I identified with "Reasonable Doubt," it was who I was. It was my life. He also represents where I want to be, I am relearning how to adapt my environment to me in addition to adapting to my environment.  Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The people around you will always be there to inspire you but you have to get from them what you can. A web design isn't going to poof out of them but how they challenge you and how you respond to them is how your inspiration will some.
Why don't I inspire you?