Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Fucking Eureka, Son

LOL at Tiffany. I hope she don't mind it was appropriate. I have an interview in the morning so I promised myself this will not take more than 60 seconds to post.

I normally choke on the question or the request, Tell me about yourself. Not tomorrow. For the 1st time since I can remember I feel I really know myself.


Anonymous said...

She never says anything about you on her page.

Deon said...

OK, Anonymous, this is the last time I am posting an anonymous comment, because I want to answer. She has mentioned me, actually on several occasions. I am Dramatic! However, when did this become the point of the post.

Kindly, please leave your name next time so that I can address you properly. Thank you for your readership.

Deon said...

I realized last night before I went to bed that you might not be talking about the Tiffany I mentioned in this post.

Minnie said...

I'm so glad that your interviews are going well and that you're finally feeling like you know yourself again. I know things are going to continue to unfold for you as you continue to put yourself up to the challenge.