Sunday, October 22, 2006

So Far This Month (cont'd)...

Total debt, payout and savings, originally uploaded by Dramatic. November and December are estimated.

Read First: So Far This Month...

OK, I realize now that, because of some unforeseen expenses, I may not make my savings replenishment goal. It’s cool, I will make it up over the next couple of months.

I am putting off all unnecessary expenses on hold, at least until next month. I am also clipping coupons, hey adds up to laundry money. LOL, I am so not the coupon / sale type. I will likely forget them when I am out shopping. Not finding many anyway, but $3 is a double loader. I don’t really intend to make a habit of this and I definitely will not be that person holding up the line while I look for my coupons or pinch my pennies, LOL.

I am actually looking to adopt some new, healthy habits.

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