My Brothers
My Brothers, originally uploaded by reign4aday. This is what happens when my brothers fight each other. They are from opposing clans and wish to destroy each other.
My Brothers, originally uploaded by reign4aday. This is what happens when my brothers fight each other. They are from opposing clans and wish to destroy each other.
Posted by
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Tazhy :((, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Tazhy has been taken away us temporarily, she stopped by to say hi today. I hope things get better for her soon.
Posted by
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
IMG_4588, originally uploaded by drierp. Finally, guaranteed straight girls..
IMG_4777, originally uploaded by drierp. So true
IMG_4564, originally uploaded by drierp.
IMG_4799, originally uploaded by drierp. interesting hobby
Lovers, originally uploaded by dougthacker. These two would have posed all day had I asked them to. I wouldn't have minded, either. From my set Gay Pride San Francisco
All are from New York accept where noted.
What can I say, I like lesbians. It's been said before, but I do. I wish I was there, M!ck3y wanted to go but she had to babysit. This post is for her.
Isn't it funny how I was able to find a lot more pictures of gay pride than I found of the Puerto Rican Day Parade?
Posted by
Monday, June 27, 2005
Representatives from the 8 richest countries in the world — USA, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Russia — meet on June 6 to discuss world affairs including extreme poverty in Africa.
They are not asking for your money, just for you to contact your representatives and demand they enact the plan that they will be presented. Click the above badge and find out for yourself. Giving 30,000 kids a day a shot at a normal, happy life is worth it!
Posted by
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Seizing property --
In the simplest terms I can express, Eminent Domain is the right of the government to seize private property for the public good. The Supreme Court ruled that a private property seizure is ok for private property development. Who defines the public good? What really is the public good?
To these questions, I have no answers. From the time that I learned about Eminent Domain, I felt and this was repeated by M!ck3y, "We really don't own anything." I for one can't imagine an elderly person being kicked off of property that (s)he worked all their lives to pay for, possibly raising children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren into their last days, only to be quoted "We the people..." The people did not work for my property.
I understand the essence of Eminent Domain and in a perfect world it would work. But we live in a society where our government has motivations other than the public good. The case that sparked my renewed interest in Eminent Domain was a private property for private property case, not a private for public property. However, I believe in this case the government might have been right. They are building a hotel, office and housing complex in a dying neighborhood. I don't live in that neighborhood and have never been there so I can not comment on it's decline, but if what was said is true, it would mean more jobs and potentially housing, possibly affordable, for the neighborhood.
Surely, this is not the same as in my neigborhood. There are plenty of abandoned houses, lots and a variety of unused space to develop.
I hope that there will be more checks and balances to accompany the ruling to prevent Eminent Domain from becoming legal theft.
Posted by
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Alex, originally uploaded by reign4aday. "I look like a movie star!"
Lil' Deon, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Looks like someone's getting free advertizing.
Daivon, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Not his Cherokee. We don't know who's Jeep it is. Hmmm! Not his graduation day but he looks mighty spiffy.
IMG_0532, originally uploaded by reign4aday. The Return of Pimpzilla: Seen standing here with his sidekick Jahqueese, aka Gorilla Pimp.
IMG_0533, originally uploaded by reign4aday. The Pimpstar and Pimpzilla
IMG_0539, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Four Generations of we. L to R: Mamite, Dooney, Delrina, Lil' and Big Deon.
IMG_0540, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Darrell and Dooney
IMG_0552, originally uploaded by reign4aday. From R to L: Alex, Delrina, Dooney, Darrell, Chris, and way in the back is Mamite and Mother.
IMG_0558, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Tazhy and M!ck3y.
IMG_0559, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Mother, just before the ceremony began.
IMG_0582, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Delrina apparently loves the camera, or the camera loves her. My lil' sister photographs well.
Ms. Chapman, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Ms. Chapman is cute. Daivon wanted me to meet her, to bad I didn't get the chance.
Denisa & Daivon, originally uploaded by reign4aday.
Taniqua & Daivon, originally uploaded by reign4aday.
Denisha, originally uploaded by reign4aday.
J'licia, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Diva! Check Ms. Chapman walking away.
Elaina, originally uploaded by reign4aday. This is Elaina, she's a "real" dyme piece.
Daivon Goofing Off, originally uploaded by reign4aday.
Quatisha &ndash 2, originally uploaded by reign4aday.
Grads – 1, originally uploaded by reign4aday. L to R: Daniel from 812, Jody, Denisa, Sherise, all from 811.
Daivon & Aamir, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Aamir, Azeena's little brother.
Dooney, originally uploaded by reign4aday. Y'all should know who this is by now! It's my Dooney. She, too, loves the camera.
Janine & Victoria, originally uploaded by reign4aday.
"Chain Gang", originally uploaded by reign4aday. Daivon called this the "Chain Gang," wonder where he got that from. L to R: Odane, Muhamad, Jonathan, Nadiyn, Johnny, Daivon and Donavan.
Posted by
Friday, June 24, 2005
Me & Lil' Sis, originally uploaded by reign4aday. She was pulling away because we were going into the street and I wasn't paying attention.
Posted by
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Dyme Piece?, originally uploaded by reign4aday. More like a 10 piece with large sides.
I don't know who she is. The caption was mad funny. She lives next door to my mother.
Posted by
Wednesday, June 22, 2005
I've been so screwed up with everything that has been going on around me. My environment is a reflection of my internal clutter. When I used to go to church, the Priest/Monseigneur used to talk about cleaning house and letting Jesus in. He was talking about letting go of the things that weighed you down. He was talking about freeing your heart. I don't know about the letting Jesus in part, but I am due for a cleansing. My friend Ti'Lesa has been talking about a spiritual cleansing for a minute now. She wanted me to go to church with her two (2) Sundays ago, the day of the PR Day Parade. I will probably go with her this Sunday. Here's a couple of pictures I found on Flickr of the PR Day Parade, unfortunately I wasn't able to take any myself.
Before the start, originally uploaded by vicente_g. Before the start of the Puerto Rican Day Parade. West 44th Street.
Mr. T does NYC @ the Puerto Rican Day Parade, originally uploaded by Vidalia. How hot is this picture?
For me the best place to start cleaning is my desktop. Here are several quotes I found while going through notes I left for myself:
Expecting someone to be other than they have been is irrational behavior.
Improvise, Modify, Adapt, & Overcome.
Posted by
Monday, June 20, 2005
I believe that you should protect family and friends at all costs, even at the expense of those relationships. My youngest friend is going through a lot and I am not sure how to help her. I happen to believe also that it's your family that should be your 1st and last line of defense against any and anything that would harm you. What happens when your family is the threat?
She is a very good kid. She goes to school, comes straight home, does homework, her average is floating around 90-95 range (excluding gym, she's asthmatic). What more could you want from your child?
I mean my son is pretty good, he gets good grades, behaves in public. I ride him about what he could be doing better, it's more in the realm of "don't slip," "good job, but you can do better." He can. I don't force feed him, I just make it clear to him that it's time for him to decide and begin carving out the type of man he wants to be.
She doesn't even get that. She's the oldest of three children and is treated as temp nanny. I mean even they get treated better because they care for you kids. They are her half brother and sister. It seems her mother is alienating her in favor of the father that's around. You know the type. The children of the father who's around are better because she is trying to keep a man. They even go out and leave her in the house alone. Her mother has gone as far as trying to sway her mind about going away to college by guilting her into staying "they may still need her"
I don't know what to do. I spent the weekend trying to contact a family member that had given me a call a while back. He wanted to know who I was and what my intentions were. He was very polite and direct. He seemed concerned about her, so he'd be the obvious person I think to help her and help her deal with family issues. She will not speak out against her mother but he can lend an ear and help her make the right choices or choices that are more right for her and protect her against people who aren't looking out for her best interest.
There are much more serious instances which I will not discuss. They were brought to my attention by a third party and I will not air her person business here.
~Poemz n Quotez~: 4 the most important ppl in my lifeI found out recently that "Made of Glass" was about me. I was so touched.
Posted by
Monday, June 20, 2005
Sometimes you have to fall really hard to get back up.
Why do we fall down? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.
This is just how I feel about my present state of affairs. In Batman Begins, it was also mentioned that people react in certain ways when they feel they have nothing to lose, but this is only so because they haven't thought things through. I have been walking around with a bat, which I named "Louis." Partly, just me joking around. I would have used it in the right or wrong frame of mind, depending on your perspective.
I saw Jonathan for the first time since the burglary. He apologized for not coming around, adding he didn't know how I'd react. He said he didn't do it, but I couldn't be sure anyway.
No matter how menacing I may seem, I can't be everywhere. My son goes to the store by himself, as do my brothers and then there's school and my little sister. I can' be there to protect them if someone wanted to retaliate for my rampage on the streets. I am trying to give all that street stuff up. I'm not say that you shouldn't stand up for what's yours, just that sometimes there is more to lose.
The streets are still strong in me. I just control it. I'm glad my brothers aren't like I was when I was their ages. I hope that's one of the things my son doesn't inherit from me. There are better ways. Besides I know the streets always takes out it's own trash.
Posted by
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Feeling like a piece of damn meat. Obscene phone calls, screwed up messages, and overall the mad phone calls.
Got asked to be a daddy again, didn't take it well.
Posted by
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Well are you women looking at me? M!ck3y and Ti'Lesa among others swear women be after me. Like today, M!ck3y swore the waitresses at Around the Clock was checking me out the whole time.
Posted by
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Batman Begins rocked!
Me and M!ck3y seen it in IMAX today. It was f'n great. I wish you all could've seen her face. She didn't stop smiling. I would have taken a picture but we didn't get there early enough to beat the scramble for the seats. I'd tell more but I don't want to ruin it for anyone. Anyhow, had an f'n great day!
Posted by
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
I am inviting anyone who reads my blog to join my Hi5 Friends Network, especially those of you that are in the NYC area.
Posted by
Monday, June 13, 2005
This weekend my friends M!ck3y and Ti'Lesa made me feel like a king. I can't thank them enough.
Yesterday, I went to the Apple Store in SoHo with M!ck3y. Had to get a new AC adapter for my PowerBook which was taken in the theft on Friday. It was mad cool to see her face light up when we arrived at the Apple Store. M!ck3y can be mature for a 15 year old, but it's so much fun to see her switch go off when she's introduced to something new or when she sees bubbles.
M!ck3y took me to MontyQ's for my favorite dish. We had real "Italian Ices." We each got mango "Icees," with little pieces of mango in it. And then she took me to see the longest yard. F'n great movie! At the concession stand, she bought me the largest drink I had ever seen at the movies. I think it was 64 oz. When the girl handed it to me, I had to steady myself because I lost balance. She was laughing the whole time and dancing in her seat. I was trying to keep an eye on the movie and the other on the hotties in the row behind me. The movie was good so it received the bulk of my attention.
Today, I hooked up with Ti'Lesa, as if you hadn't figured that out by now. We met at Union Square and had lunch at Whole Foods. The Macaroni and Cheese was great, with some mashed potatoes and corn as sides, no meat today. She then took me to Coldstone, where I saw my "Princess" for the first time in more than a year. Leilani seemed so happy to see me. She reached over the counter as if to hug me, but I didn't reach out, it seemed pointless we couldn't reach. She made me "Apple Pie Ala Coldstone" in that special way she used to for me. I ended up having to throw it away, because my tolerance for sweets has all but dissapeared and she put too much sweet in it this time.
She had a red ribbon tying her hair into a ponytail just slightly to the right side of her head. OMG, her eyes are as beautiful as ever. She told me last year she had to change her number three (3) times because somewhere along the line she acquired a stalker. I gave her my number and told her she should call me. Leilani is the first girl since Destiny to make my heart beat fiercely, as though I could conquer anything.
Posted by
Sunday, June 12, 2005
This movie was crazy. Mad funny! Best I've seen in a loooooong time.
Posted by
Saturday, June 11, 2005
I vow from this point on that nothing will get in my way!!!
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Saturday, June 11, 2005
I' a little bummed. Yesterday I was burglarized. Got $7000 worth of stuff, including all my digital music and my iPod. The most important thing that was missing is my 200GB LaCie External HD, it had most of the stuff I've done digitally for the last ten (10) years.
Posted by
Friday, June 10, 2005
I don't know why I waited so long to use try out Adium. I always get crap from my buddies that I am not on Yahoo! or MSN, I'm always on AIM because my preferred instant messenger is iChat. iChat, because it just fits in. I don't use the others often because I hate switching windows so often. In addition to whatever I'm doing at the time, there would be three (3) additional apps open and whatever children they'd produce.
I was watching the season finale of "One Tree Hill" and noticed Payton, played by that blonde female from "TRL" on MTV, was using Adium. I decided to give it a try. Two weeks later here I am. I don't have to have yahoo open, or MSN Messenger, or even iChat for that matter, just Adium.
I am losing some of the benefits of using the individual apps and I am gaining some minor benefits, mostly aesthetic. Some features from the PC version of the messengers were left out of the Mac version. For instance I haven't seen the option to initiate video chat for any of the messengers it supports. I did notice that you can make requests to view the cams of others.
Other benefits include tabbed messaging. This is a feature I've wanted since my AIM for PC days. Back then you would need Powertools now I guess it's called IM Frame. It also supports themes although I'm not sure why the buddy list styles and the message window styles are separate from each other.
In all I am enjoying the use of Adium much.
Posted by
Friday, June 10, 2005
Elisa called me this morning, I wasn't here. I copped her digits off C.I.D. under Brown. She said she didn't get yesterdays message and she didn't get yesterdays message until late, so she didn't want to disturb anyone. She's a Home Health Aide, but is looking to change jobs. She wants me to call her back tonight.
Carpe diem. (Seize the day) 4 real
11:02p.m… We hit it off. She gave me her # because she thought I was nice & she wanted to get to know me. She's a Leo. She's kinda sorta involved. She wants me to teach her creole. She wants to go to college. She lives in Patio Gardens & the other lives on Beekman. She's quiet.
Posted by
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
Enters Elisa… who the hell is Victoria… I don't remember. Maybe I will in the next few posts. Elisa had the cutest smile. We are still friends, we just don't talk as much.
These days my confidence is at an all time high.
Since March, Marie B. had a baby. Brenda and Charles were married. Brenda had a miscarriage the night Marie went into labor. My father and wife made an appearance. I told Katrina how I felt about her, she did't believe me. I did get some nice pictures for my private cut.
I enrolled in Covenant House's Job Training program. Desktop Publishing peaked my interest. I want to refine my computer skills. I don' have any plans to work this summer, I am, however, considering it. The thought of not being able to provide for Deon frightens me.
I will go back to school part–time this fall. My mom has a grand for me.
I met Elisa at the Job Readiness Workshops. She gave me her voicemail #. I called. She didn't call back yet. It's only been a day. What will come of us, will there be an us?
About 7 p.m. I became extremely lonely. I called Nina, Lakish, Bonita and I actually called Victoria. I called Elisa again, she hasn't called all day. I've been trying to figure it out. She gave me the #, I called. Why won't she call back? Will she? If she doesn't I may meet up w/ her at the Computer Skills course. Time will tell…[sic]
Posted by
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Thinking a bit more, we weren't together during this time, but we were trying to work it out. This was after the last time she cheated on me. I wasn't sure at the time but it was confirmed later that my suspicions had been true.
Niggas got them kind of dreams from jail, you in the streets nigga make your move, get your meal.
Day after… Yesterday, she assured me that nothing happened. Did something happen w/ me. Seems I don't care either way.
I'm mad 'cause life is still a bitch & you die, but for now life close your eyes and feel this dick.
If every nigga in your click is rich, your click is rugged. No one will fall 'cause everyone will be ea. others crutches.[sic]
Posted by
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Seems my feelings got worse. I am typing from my written copy then I'm going back and making these comments. It turns out since I am only reading as I type, my memory is being jogged. I am remembering the times she cheated on me and wondering why I dealt with it for so long. I guess in the beginning it didn't matter and as time went on it just wasn't worth it.
She always says I can only bring up one person, but she admitted others to me after trying to hide it. The fact is, I have never cheated on anyone and never will.
I'm feeling it. What I thought would be is not and what I could never imagine is. She's been gone since Friday. At 1st I was melancholy. She did not call me. Perhaps that's what set the ball in play. I guess she doesn't miss me after all, so why should I miss her.
I'll not speculate. But if something did happen I hope she doesn't hide it from me or, better yet, I can see for myself. I won't deny I love her. I will retract however, I can live w/o her.
Everything is 4 my personal ascent & 4 my sons well–being. Someday I will be able to break loves spell and move on.
Can't knock the way a nigga eating.
Feel my triumph, never, Feel my pain, you lying.
Live out my dreams till my heart get found.
Fuck 'em 4 hatin' a nigga lovin' his life.[sic]
Posted by
Saturday, June 04, 2005
This was interesting. I am reading as I type and it seems that I was a little jealous and stressing over what 'Kish might do with her other "Baby Daddy"
Today, I feel a bit funny. Lakish is going to take Taniesa to visit her possibly dying grandmother. I might feel less awkward if she were going to be back tomorrow, but she's going to spend the night, probably the weekend. She says she doesn't want to go. My reasoning is that she is weak. She has been unfaithful in the past, suppose she were to renew he infidelity? Where does it leave me?
I'm not going to sweat it. I'm going to spend the weekend at my mothers. In any case I will cover my back and prepare for the worst and anticipate the best.[sic]
Posted by
Saturday, June 04, 2005
I ran across some stuff that was torn out of my old journal from like 1998. I decided to post all that was saved from the journal exactly as I wrote it then.
Deon Lysander… w/o a doubt the most important person in my life. My 1st born… nuff said. I can only hope to raise him properly.
Taniesa… I've taken her as my own almost since birth. She loves me as much as child ever did love father if not more. I aim to see that she is raised in the right way and that she has a direction in life. I'm sure it will be a long hard road.
Daivon is a good kid… "Student of the Month." His middle name might as well be mischief. He doesn't listen and he has a behavior problem. I guess he's a normal child.
Darrell is illogical, however extremely intelligent. Quite sickly, yet active. He's also outgoing and social. When something's bothering him, he's likely to do to himself unlike Daivon who will act out.
Delrina… I don't know. Her actions seem to be controlled largely by her feelings for Will. She seems to be destined for success. His entire life revolves around her and if he doesn't realize that it's impeding his own growth, he may be left out in the cold. But if she falls blindly into lifes traps, they may find that they can do no better than each other.
Eric is in some sort of competition w/ me. He may not even know that this is the case. This has led him in a path that contradicts my own.
An now Lakish, an indespesible neccessity and my greatest obstacle. I can't w/o her. She tries to undo everything I accomplish as far as the children are concerned. Don't get me wrong, I do love her (I may not be in love w/ her). She seems to think she can get along just fine without me. True or not, I can't live without her "now."
My mom wasn't there when I was growing up. I mean she was but she might as well hadn't. I basically raised myself. She's here now and she's proven to be worth another chance.
I'm the master of my fate & the captain of my soul. Little do they know I am a force to be wreckoned w/. I was great and I fell off. No excuses. "The right path is the only path." This is my direction. I don't know exactly where I'm going to end up, who does? Everyone has inherited a trait from me. Many I've lost over the years & will find them again. When my feet are planted firmly on the grlb., I will show and prove.[sic]
Posted by
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Jessica, Keema and with the crazy pretty smile, Steph.
Jessica and Keema
L to R: Me giving y'all the middle finga, my lil' bro, Darrell, lil' Sis', Delrina between us and Jonathan's lil' brother, don't know his name.
Keema crunked, striking that pose.
All photos in this post uploaded by reign4aday.
These are some of the pics from Keema's birthday party. The ones that were taken with my camera anyway. Seems I've been more social than usual lately.
Posted by
Wednesday, June 01, 2005