Friday, January 26, 2007

Shit was All Good Just a Week Ago

Just a week ago I was being reassured and admonished for being negative about the situation. Today I feel like I don't exist to her. Go figure huh.

I put my heart into too much of what I do. There are a couple of people interested in me. One is completely unavailable, she's a good mom (very sexy). The other has these really nasty episodes. One day she misses me, wants to hear my voice and the next she is not in the mood for me.

For a little while there was a third. She just stole the show. She was completely available. She was as excited if not more to hear from me, then this week, it all came to an end. Even though I told her it would. She tried to convince me it wasn't so.

The funny thing is, they will all read this at some point or other, but the one thing I am sure of is that they all respect my honesty.

A fourth person from a not too distant past, who likely still reads my blog — Hi, lady with the pretty eyes, once told me that I love hard. I think I do. Too hard!

Now where do I stand. I am a little hurt, by all meantioned above. I am mostly hurt by myself. I know I am not meant for certain things, but I still remain open to them. I don't know why. I just do. When you invest in someone, no matter how much or little, you lose something everytime there is no return on that investment.

I am smirking. Let's see what happens now. The two remaining ladies are very special as well. What will they do with the new information. The third is still very special as well but… it is what it is.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think I've been reading about myself in this blog for months now, and I'm ready to comment, if you decide to post it. If not, the fact that you read it is enough. I think I'm the second woman you refer to, the "nasty episode" person. *smirk* It's not that I have nasty episodes, it's that I have moods... yep, moods. I'm not like any person you've encountered in that the things I deal with on the daily affect my mood in such a way that it changes drastically. I go thru things and I change. I've always been that way, and I don't suspect I will change until my surroundings change. I'm not making excuses for a thing, I'm just laying out why things are the way they are. I agree with your statement, you're not meant for certain things. Thinking about everything, I don't think I am something you are meant for; I don't think your personality is one that can handle mine. I truly adore your friendship, but that's probably as far as it will go.
