Friday, February 03, 2006

Ugly 2.0

Remember the ugly kid in school, the one nobody wanted to get next to. As if ugly was contagious. I met someone, about a year ago, that was so ugly she could make an onion cry. She looks like young Shaka Zulu when he was mad, but all the time. Damn y'all, she put a pain in my heart that felt like I was watching the Holocaust from the inside. I used to liken her looks to a crime against mankind.

But I'm not here to talk about this type of ugly. I want to discuss a new kind of ugly. Even greater than the ancient ugly, the one born in people's hearts. This one is so strong that you can see on the outside. The kind of ugly that cause people to kick others while they are down. The kind of ugly that makes people steal other people's pictures and post them as their own.

Recently I was conned. I was tricked into helping someone take advantage of me. It seemed as tho she was trying to buy my affection, which I actually warned her against. I don't want to get into the details of the scam she ran on me but it took her months to wear me down. Karma is the first born son of a bitch. There is a special place in hell for you.

That being said… I am considering posting her email address and her 360º page. Even tho she may be able to change them pretty quickly, at least she'll get harassed a little bit. I am still weighing it. Altho the punishment is not commensurate with the crime at the moment, I still have to look out for my own energies and try to stay on the "right path."

This added stress may be attributed to my current physical condition. It has also served to close my heart just a little bit more.


Anonymous said...

That was truly funny about the ugly girl. I have never met anyone that has physically made me ill. But I do have a Mother in law that I find to be the Ugliest woman alive. At first I thought it was physicla but now everywhere I look I see her. I can look at the prettiest woman and see this woman whom has placed fear in me. Her ugliness is well hidden from most and that is my problem. She's hateful and uncaring Judgemental and one track minded. And on top of it all calls herself a CHRISTIAN. To me that makes her ugly. So yes I agree. Ugly people shouldn't breed. Unfortunately she has 3 kids. They seem ok but are they really?.........

Anonymous said...

I definintely feel the first part about people being ugly on the inside. I truly believe that what you reflect comes from within. One thing that man can not physically destroy is your character. If we have control over anything in this life, it is who we want to be.