Satan's Crafty Minion
Long Walk Home, originally uploaded by Dramatic. Walking home on Friday the 13th. I was so happy to be getting home and so happy to be playing with my new camera.
Today, on 360º, I asked my friends and guests to let me know who they think should be removed from my friends list. I suppose this is the next step from asking them to remove themselves or let me know to remove them. I halved my list in that way. It is really interesting to see the comments I'm getting and who you guys think I should remove. Keep 'em coming!
Update: Monday, January 16, 2006
To be a little more concise... It's more about who you'd remove, not me.
Hey I just got put on to your blog about a week ago and I have read everything you have written since you've been at blogger and man I have to say you really have a way with words. Now as for the camera my only question is are you going to be taking pictures of that sexy ass girlfriend of yours? I know you just call her your friend but a word of advice my brother if you don't jump on that someone else will and she'll be gone in a blink of an eye.
If you talking about Stephanie, that's over and done with. She ain't know what she had. I think she with somebody else now. If not I guess you can have her. She is on my friends list, but not for long. I also have some pics of her you might like in my Flickr Photostream's set Stephanie.
I think you got the beauty mixed up with the beast I mean the one with the glasses. I think M!ck3y is her name. I only want pictures of her matter fact if i leave my email will you send them to me personally.
I don't know who you are. Mickey just turned 16. She is my best friend. So she will be around. There may be something for us in the future but for now, it can't happen.
If you don't mind can I keep her company until she turns 18 or for however long she wants me. I really would like to see that body in real life.
I don't think that would be possible. In fact she may tell you herself. She has been ignoring the comments because she thinks I put you up to it. She isn't interested tho. She doesn't take flattery well.
If you like you can post you a/s/l and send your email through my 360º page and I'll have her get back to you if she wants to.
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