Sunday, December 25, 2005

2005 in review

As my year comes to a close, I’ve decided to just sit back and chill. Ride it out, so to speak.

This year was a failure for me. I feel like I have accomplished nothing, lost everything and felt pains I hope I’ll never feel again.

I lost my job in 2004, which at the time was one of the best things to ever happen to me. In 2005, I found myself hungry and broke. This year, I had all of my material possessions stolen, save for my Powerbook—it was with me. I can’t get a job at this point for reasons out side of my control. The people who I knew to be my friends and had helped in the past turned their backs on me.

2005 also brought into my life M!ckey, who has been my guardian angel every step of the way. So much I owe to her. Her love for me is unconditional. Tazhy came and went. She moved on to newer, more accessible things, like I said she would. It also dropped Stephanie into my lap. Even though she turned out to be a bust—in more ways than one—I am glad to have had that experience.

In all 2005 was a learning experience. I am greatful for that. To all the people who have come into and will remain in my life, thank you and I love you all. I hope 2006 will be better for all of us. To all of you who didn’t have the time or for whom I had no value because I couldn’t do for you… you are probably thinking I am going to say something like “die slow.” I’m not. I hope you find peace, really I do.

All that being said I am going to spend the remaining days of 2005 relaxing and doing whatever I can to prepare for 2006.

Update: Tuesday, December 27, 2005

I came home this morning to find that we had been burglarized again.

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