"meet me at midnight, love", originally uploaded by DrJoanne. "Man does not control his own fate. The women in his life do that for him" -
Groucho Marx
On the 13th a buddy of mine made a post about women and the truth. It's basically about how the only truth women are interested in are the truths as they see it.
Hi, ladies! You always say you're looking for an honest man. Well, you've found one, but you probably won't like what he has to say. Hey, at least that's honest. We men are lonely, and basically looking for something to do.
I must say, I agree with most of what he has to say. However, in my experience, most of the women I come in contact with can appreciate the honesty or have just become accustomed to the truth. Have you seen the Twix commercial where the very voluptuous woman asks her husband if her capris make her ass look fat and he shoves the Twix bar into his mouth? Hell yeah your ass looks fat! Is that supposed to be bad?
Well here's the deal, as blunt as I can be, I'd rather hurt you with the truth than for you to be hurt later because I lied or withheld the truth or whatever some of us are calling it these days.
He also talks about what y'll say you like to do to get our attention and what it is we really like to do. OK, maybe I'm not a typical guy, but I like:
- Long walks anywhere, nowhere, everywhere. Being in a cab all the time sucks ass. Alternatively, we can take a long train or bus ride.
- Shopping. I love shopping with a female or without. I like shopping as much as any female, maybe more. I like shopping for women's underwear, especially if she trying them on for me or if we gonna celebrate a special occasion.
- Hanging out with her friends, not really family. Families tend to judge. Friends do hate sometimes. If they like you they will support you too when y'all fight or even after she isn't around.
Recently, I have been running into females who either can't accept or understand the truth. Stephanie is an example. She implored me to tell her what was on my mind especially as it related to her and when I did she shut down. The truth should have enhanced us, but it ultimately led to our swift end. All I said was that I didn't want to hurt her.
Then there are of course the women who can't tell the truth to save their lives. If you want the truth you have to be willing to give it.
You forget that its not what you say its how you say it. For example if you just tell a woman she's fat thats a problem you have to tell her she's fat in all the right places. As a woman I prefer honesty because in most cases I can understand the issue and can forgive if they happen to have done wrong but a lie is just like slapping me in the face. You also have to remember that women like to feel good about themselves as you tell the truth you have to keep in mind not to bruise their ego or deminish their self respect.
I wish you hadn't posted anonymous. Some women just can't take the truth either way. Not to say there aren't men who can't either.
Why do people hide from the truth? Doesn't everyone know they are their final judge? In the end, you can't escape yourself or the truth.
OK I must comment on both. First with anonymous I agree with very few of what she says. I agree with her only on the lie thing. But as far as her post She seems like she wants the truth but cant handle the truth. And as far as the post dramatic posted back to it. He was right about it. Because most women want the truth but can't handle it. So if you cant handle it. you shouldnt ask for it. I am a women myself. And i prefer the whole truth and nothing but the truth. And yes I can handle it. And hes also right about men some of them cant handle the truth or dont believe it when we say its the truth. Dramatic replied to dukes space and duke reposted something from some one else who calls himself blackzilla. Well I dont agree with blackzilla. He down grades the good women in that statement of his. And me myself dont fit in any of it. Because im not one to make a man go some where with me. If he wants to go then so be it. if not sit ur ass at home or do your own thing. Which ever doesnt bother me. in the least. But unfortantly there are some women who are exactly like he says. And for them they get what they deserve they get the ones who treat them bad and leave them. WHo doesnt know a real man when she sees them but claims she does. Even after the man makes many attemps to be with her.
So in all said and done. if you cant handle the truth then dont ask for it. And if anyone has anything to say to me personaly feel free to contact me @ mommy2angels05@yahoo.com and put in the subject that its about this . And I will surely respond. Because to me the truth is always the best. And if ive pissed you off oh well thats life. And the truth can piss you off. But always remeber its better to be pissed off then pissed on.
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