Friday, January 18, 2008


I have been thinking a lot about my situation. Why I am in it, what it means and what I am going to do about it. Seems that nothing bad ever happens by itself. Lost my job, ran through my savings, lost my unemployment, bedbugs, Department of Labor wants me to pay the unemployment back. Now what am I to do. A new MySpace friend sent me the quote below a couple of days ago and it seemed to make things a bit clearer.

Life is a grindstone, but whether it grinds you down or polishes you up depends on what you are made of.
- Robert E. Johnson, an African-American Entrepreneur

[From Wisdom for the Soul - Attitude ]

I am thinking about my next steps. I know I am going to have to apply for Public Assistance. LOL, still makes me sick. I need medical assistance and I have no income, so I will have to apply and go through the initial process in order to get the medical insurance.

Right now I crippled. I can't search the web, I don't have a reliable connection. I have been connecting through Bluetooth Pan on my phone, but the only thing I seem to be able to connect to is Adium. I miss my IM buddies, the one's I talk to regularly anyway. I can't even access my email. I did make it to the library yesterday. My MacBook kept dropping the WiFi connection, so in the 3 or so hours I was there, I got little done. Every time I thought I was sending something, I wasn't, LOL.

I realize, I need to adjust. I just hit my low point. I refuse to fall any lower. I am being polished. I have simply grown and come too far to be ground down. I realize that I have a lot of support now, at least emotional. A lot of people believe in me, some don't even know me, but they say they see something special in me. I will not let you guys down, I will not let my son down and I will not let myself down. I have come so far and have so much farther to go.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

No news is...

The other day I said no news could be good news, but when it is prolonged it most likely is bad news. I did not get the job. Time to make this happen. I am not sure what direction I am going in, but I need to get stuff going. Maybe it’s time to take another direction.

Sunday, January 06, 2008


I sent out ecards to the recruiters and headhunters I had mad contact with at the agencies for Christmas and New Years. Thanking them, wishing them well and letting them know I am looking forward to working with them in the new year. I even sent one to the recruiter at my previous agency, who knows if I will ever cross paths with him again.

The day after Xmas I had an interview for a word processor position which seemed to go very well. I am waiting on feedback. The hiring manager is on vacation. She should be back on Monday. I guess in this case no news is good news. I am still looking though. Who knows something better may turn up.

Saturday, January 05, 2008


My repayment plans have stalled. I have been stuck for about a month. I spent the day calling my bill collectors. Due to my inability to pay, one more account slipped into collections. One account is in collections due to an error on Macy*s part. We are trying to resolve this now.

I am hoping I can make my long term goal of being debt free by December 31 of this year. Not the way I wanted to start of 2008, but all hope is not gone.

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Learning JavaScript

This has been something that has escaped me for some time. I can’t believe I have managed to procrastinate for two years. It is one of my original goal.

I intend to be familiar with at least the fundamentals of JavaScript, by the end of the month and to figure out a way to use it regularly enough not to forget everything.

I have a fairly recent tutorial that I intend to start with. All the while attempting to find new applications for it.