Friday, May 27, 2005

Last Day

Hmmm! Today is the herald of my new beginning… My assignment at US Trust is over at 5 p.m. I am not sure where I'm headed from here.

I am already setting up appointments for the next gig. The one I am most anticipating is with Arnold Worldwide, an advertising agency. The aren't offering me a position, at least not at the moment, but several team members including on of their recruiters would like to meet with me and help me out with some info, leads and referrals.

I am setting up appointments with several additional temp agencies. My thinking is if Ajilon doesn't have something for me, another should.

The end of my assignment is not the only change being signaled. Overall lately I have been thinking differently. I’ve been a little more developed in my my way. Since I’ve returned to work I curse less frequently. I don’t talk as much but even when I do, I am the subtler, calmer, quieter me that I have complained of losing.

I will be developing my writing which will be reflected in this blog. My blog is my way of having fun. The things I write about aren't necessarily important to anyone other than myself. It is, however, an extension of myself and often evince my mood.

I have accepted my faults and as I would have before will adjust them. I accept also that this will take time. I sometimes get frustrated because I can't reach my goals all at once. I've allowed my accomplishments to be allayed by my shortcomings.

In all, I really have my work cut out for me.

Monday, May 16, 2005

weather 5/15/05

Didn't the weather forcasts predict rain and in some cases thunderstorms for most of last week? What gives? It rained a little bit on Thursday and a drop hit me on my hand on Yesterday. This is the forcast for 5/15-20.

Why doesn't Hello allow for uploading *.png file? Shouldn't Flickr be able to handle *.png files better? I was forced to use the *.jpg(upper right), instead of the original *.png screen capture from my mac which appeared all fudged up (screen cap to the right).  Posted by Hello

Sunday, May 15, 2005


Yesterday I was having a conversation with a friend and she was playing around, so I told her to stop and then explained that I was having a moment of P.O.D. Let me explain… P.O.D. stands for Post Orgasmic Disgust. Have you ever been with someone or not and once you get yours, you desire nothing further of them? Or more specifically, you don't want to be cuddled or touched. Your emotional attachment ends when you finish and you don't care whether or not your partner does. Don't touch me, get away from me!

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Doesn't this one look like the "Millenium Puzzle" from Yugioh?

All photos in this post originally uploaded by reign4aday.

Daivon, Darrell, Lil' and M!ck3y went to The Metropolitan Museum of Art on 82nd Street and 5th Avenue. I loved it although I did not get to see everything I wanted to. My brother wanted to leave. I also wish I was more organized. I didn't expect to be as interested as I was. I am going back Memorial Day weekend.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

 Didn't I Tell You?

I did tell you I wasn't going to let anything hold me back. Still I have a lot on my plate. I have a lot of stuff I need to get done. I need to find a permanent job and ultimately get my own place. I'm tired of bouncing around. It's fine and good that I am loved and all, but I can't deal with people crap.

Haven't been blogging much lately as you can tell, I just got caught up in life.

Firefox: 50 Million download

I would first like to say congrats to Firefox. 50 Million downloads is big. It means 50 Million who didn't open IE, or even better 50 Million who used it to download Firefox. Today I requested permission to download it and was denied.

Anyway, I am enjoying being out and working everyday. I am working with several wonderful people. When I speak of them I will use the 1st initial of their names when referring to them.

M is the person I report directly to, she is sooo busy and she always has a smile on her face. L is pregnant, her voice is so conforting to me and I love her laugh, I'm going to miss it when she goes on leave next week. They are VPs. S is the Senior VP and while I don't see her much she seems so cool. S2 is the other "graphics person," as she introduced herself to me. P is the "go to" guy. He does everything. D has the softest voice I have ever heard on an adult female and T is quiet accept for when he's being spoken to or he has something to say to D.

Yesterday a PowerPoint presentation tried to kick my ass. Today I got my first "" email address.

That's all for this morning kiddies, got to go to bed.

Sunday, May 08, 2005


I'm a little uneasy about the chain of recent events. I still don't know what I'm going to do. I guess I'm falling back on less comfortable times. Usually I do this to myself to motivate and remind myself to move on. So I guess the hustle is on and the new struggle has begun.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Tiger 05/07

Just some more on my impressions on Tiger.

Sometimes I notice things but don't know how to put it into words until I hear someone else say it and then I get that "Aha!" thing. One of those thing is how I feel about Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger).

I've noticed an overall speed boost. When I first cracked it open I remarked that it felt like I was using a brand new machine, but then I thought that can't be right, but is just like that — for me at least.

I'm glad that transparency has returned to the UI. When I got my first Powerbook, there was a transparent GIF of the Tazmanian Devil that I was fond of. I got it off of the Netscape start page of the time. I used it as my buddy icon and my account pic When I upgraded to Panther from Jaguar it was fine, but later when I did a clean install I found that transparency had disappeared, well at least for my own graphics.

Automator icon capture

This is Automator. He will become a very good friend of mine shortly. I just haven't dug into the Tiger and it's features yet. This is one of the ways Macs make things easier or so I've heard. I will add more on this later as I get into it.

iChat icon capture

iChat AV is one of my favorite upgrades. First, they stepped up the "groups" feature. I can't stand AIM for Mac. I tried using it a bit because iChat was duplicating my buddies in each group, but it made just editing the buddy list a task. The only current feature in 4.7 that might interest me is "Multi-point File Sharing." iChat feels so much better. iChat has also added features I would normally look to AIM for. You can, now, edit your AIM profile, view the profiles of others. I haven't used the camera and audio features yet.

QuickTime 7 icon capture

The video quality on QuickTime 7 is insane. It's looks as good as any DVD I've played on my Powerbook, although I haven't noticed any banding in the colors that you see on some DVD's. It really does look the same when scaled up. You can even capture stills which I recall trying to do with the screen capture shortcuts in previous versions unsuccessfully. The above enhancements were available on the new HD content. I don't imagine that the regular QuickTime format can be scaled losslessly.

Serenity: Girl doing split on ceiling

This is a clip from the QuickTime HD Gallery of the movie Serenity. I chose to capture this because I thought it was cool, not that she was doing a full split, but that she was doing the split on the ceiling.  Posted by Hello

Safari RSS icon capture

Not much really can I say. Safari RSS. I did not use the older versions of Safari accept to view "Apple" sites, DaringFireball and MacDevCenter. I can say that since I enjoy reading dated content, blogs, news articles, etc, the RSS feature comes in handy. You can sort by date, title, source and new. It even seems that Spotlight has been integrated into into the RSS search, I was getting results as I was typed words into the search field.

As you can see I am still happy with Tiger. Things are going to be a little slow given my new situation but I will try to update as often as possible.

Friday, May 06, 2005


I just found out that I'm homeless. My mother told me I had to go.

Updated Saturday, May 07, 2005

I have decided that I'm not going to let this shake me. She is afraid of what her landlord might do.

This all started in January, when my mother complained about the lack of heat. I've been around quite a bit and stay over a lot. My brothers and mother like me around and I don' want to be at my current residence because there is a lot of foul stuff going on there. My mother explained to the landlord, Christine Young, that the situation has been the same for years with little or no change. Young replied "It's time to move on then!" I warned my mother of her intentions. Young had been renovating the downstairs apartment for weeks. She was moving in. Now if she does what she did down there for up here, she can fetch a pretty penny for this apartment. With the way rent is nowadays she could get at least $1500, my mother pays 11.

My mother got a 6 month extension on the eviction. Then she took her to court and won a $1200 settlement for the water damage to her then 5 week old mattress. Yesterday, Young's husband warned my mother "I don't like what she's doing, but she's out to get you." The lady has been doing wierd things all week. They recieved the decision by mail on Friday or Saturday.

I don't know what to do. I will figure something out though.

Thursday, May 05, 2005


M!ck3y M!ck3y, originally uploaded by reign4aday.

This is M!ck3y. She finally let me get a picture of her. It's not bad but I've taken better of her.

She's always asked why I didn't mention her in my "Inspiration" post. Fact is, I did not have a picture of her and I was doing the things that inspired me prior to her coming into my life. Yes, she does inspire me. He has a desperate sort of happiness. Like is she doesn't smile everything ends.

Me, originally uploaded by reign4aday.

This is me, obviously. I don't know what I was thinking.

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Work 2morrowday

idk what it is about Amerie, but there is definitely something about her.

I start my assignment at US Trust later this morning. I think I should get to sleep. Anyway, the challenge was a bust this past week. I realize my world is a little too small. I am starting over today. I should meet a number of new people. what do you think?